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Guided to the Cross


March 12

Guided to Hope • 2 Corinthians 1:10

When we are uncertain about what the future holds, we discover in the cross the sure hope of heaven.


March 19

Guided to Love • 1 Timothy 1:13-14

When we are separated from others and from God by our sin, the cross brings us together through its love.


March 26

Guided to Peace • Colossians 1:19-20

With wars waging within and without, the cross settles them all with peace to body, mind and soul.


April 2

Guided to Trust • 1 Timothy 1:15

Plagued by doubt and competing voices, we turn to the cross to put our trust fully in the salvation won for us there.


April 9

Guided to Perseverance • Ephesians 6:18

When we are faced with hardship, we look to Christ on the cross who endured to the end so that we might carry on.


April 13—Palm Sunday

 Guided to Humility • James 4:10

As Jesus enters into Jerusalem in humility on his way to Calvary, we contemplate how to live lives of humility, guided by Christ and the cross.


 April 17—Maundy Thursday

Guided to Service • Romans 7:6

As Jesus washes the disciples’ feet in service to them on his way to Calvary, we contemplate how to live lives of service, guided by Christ and the cross.