St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers
St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers is live
October 6 Livestream
Steve Wood
Steve Wood
Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Readings for the Day:
Genesis 2:18-24:  Genesis 2 stresses that people are not meant to live in isolation but in relationship.  Out of love for humanity, God creates them male and female, to provide companionship for each other and to become with each other ‘one flesh.’  The Hebrew words used here are ish (man) and ishshah (woman).
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12:  Quoting from the psalms, this passage from Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus, the one through whom God created everything and who sits at God’s right hand, is also the one who experienced human suffering and death in order to blaze the path of salvation for us.
Mark 10:2-16:  Jesus announced and enacted in history the new reality of God’s surprising activity.  These two stories demonstrate this new reality:  Women and children are accepted and valued, not dismissed as inferior to adult men.

 ‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress’

Questions To Ponder:
1— What is a detail of the cosmos that fills you with delight and awe of God’s glory? (Psalm 8)
2—How do you hear God speaking to you in our world today? (Hebrews 1:1-4)
3—How do you understand divorce in our world today? (Mark 10:2-16)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?

Prayer:  Sovereign God, you have created us to live in loving community with one another.  Form us for life that is faithful and steadfast and teach us to trust like little children, that we may reflect the image of your Son.  Amen.