Readings for the Day:
Acts 10:44-48: While Peter shares the good news of Jesus with a Gentile soldier and his family, the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Recognizing that the Spirit works inclusively in the lives of both Jews and Gentiles, Peter commands that these Gentiles also be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
I John 5:1-6: God’s children believe that Jesus is the Messiah and love God by keeping God’s commandments. Thus the world is conquered not through military might but through love and faith.
John 15:9-17: On the night of his arrest, Jesus delivers a final testimony to his disciples to help them in the days ahead. Here, he repeats the most important of all his commands, that they love one another.
‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress’
Questions To Ponder:
1— How have you seen the Holy Spirit at work? (Acts 10:44-48)
2—What is easier for you: loving God or obeying commandments? Why? (I John 5:1-6)
3—What difference does it make to you that Jesus chose you? (John 15:9-17)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?
Prayer: O God, you have prepared for those who love you joys beyond understanding. Pour into our hearts such love for you that, loving you above all things, we may obtain your promises, which exceed all we can desire. Amen.