November 24 Worship

Readings for the Day:
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14:  To the community for whom this passage was written, it seemed as though the oppression they were experiencing would never end.  Daniel’s message is: It shall end.  The Ancient One, who is judge, will call all nations to account and will give dominion to ‘one like a human being,’ the Messiah.
Revelation 1:4-8:  The book of Revelation begins by celebrating the Almighty God, who spans all of time.  Similarly, Jesus is celebrated as the first-born from the dead who rules over the world’s rulers.  He is the one whose return we eagerly await.
John 18:33-37:  In John’s gospel, the story of Jesus and Pilate presents two different ways of exercising power: through force or with love.

 ‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress’

Questions To Ponder:
1— What does it mean to allow Jesus to reign in our lives? 
2—How is Jesus the first and the last? (Revelation 1:4-8)
3—In what ways do you experience Christ’s kingdom now, already present in your life and your corner of the world? (John 18:33-37)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?

Prayer:  Almighty and ever-living God, you anointed your beloved Son to be priest and sovereign forever.  Grant that all the people of the earth, now divided by the power of sin, may be united by the glorious and gentle rule of Jesus Christ.  Amen.