Sunday 12th
Newsletter deadline
8:00 am Communion
9:00 am Sunday School
10:15 am Worship
5:00 pm WINGS Bible study
5:00 pm Elementary Group
6:00 pm Kids Bells
6:30 pm Adult Bells
7:00 pm Choir
Mon. 13th
9:00 am Preschool
7:00 pm Church Council
Tues. 14th
10:00 am Tour at Seymour Museum Center
1:00 pm Prayer Shawl
Wed. 15th
9:00 am Preschool
Thurs. 16th
9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club
7:00 pm Men’s Group
Friday 17th
9:00 am Preschool
Download and view the full bulletin below: