Deadline for College Care Pkg. items
Confirmation retreat forms and deposits due Find Out More
Youth Gathering deposit due Find Out More
8:00 am Communion
9:00 am Sunday School
10:15 am Worship
11:15 am Quarterly Congregational Mtg.
6:00 pm Kids Bells
6:30 pm Adult Bells
6:30 pm Jr/Sr High Group Dinner
7:00 pm Choir
8:30 am Preschool Doughnuts with Dad (3, 4, 5’s)
9:00 am Preschool
1:00 pm Book Buzz
9:00 am Preschool
9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club
7:00 pm Men’s Group
8:30 am Preschool Doughnuts with Dad (2’s)
9:00 am Preschool
7:00 pm Trunk or Treat Find Out More
Jr. High Bonfire (after Trunk or Treat)
5:30 pm Luther League Fall Activity