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Set Up on Sunday

Jr & Sr High Youth groups will help set up for the Bazaar by moving tables, chairs and roasters on Sunday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. Parents are also invited to help.

Food Drop Off

Turkeys and dressing should be at church by 10 am
Salads and desserts should be at church by 1 pm
Keep any extra corn donations frozen.

Bazaar items

Deadline for items is 12:00 pm on November 3.  Items can be put in the container in the church office.

Shut-in Meals

Meals will be shared with shut-ins in the neighborhood again this year.  Please sign up at table or talk to Trish Tangman.


A few shifts are still available.  Contact the church office at 812-522-7364 for up to date sign-ups.


View the Event Page