Readings for the Day:
Isaiah 43:1-7: Near the end of Israel’s exile in Babylon, God promises to bring the people home. They need no longer be afraid, because the one who formed, created, and called them by name now redeems them from all their enemies. God declares them precious and honored, and God loves them.
Acts 8:14-17: Peter and John are sent to support the new Christians in Samaria, a group that was recently baptized after hearing the good news of Christ through the preaching of Philip. Here the Samaritans receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in the laying on the hands.
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22: The reading opens with questions about the identity of the Messiah. John the Baptist insists that he is not the Messiah; instead he points ahead to one who is coming. And whether the voice of God was heard by all or only by Jesus, God settles the matter: Jesus is God’s beloved Son.
‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2024 Augsburg Fortress’
Questions To Ponder:
1— When have you felt that God was with you in difficult times? (Isaiah 43:1-7)
2—How do you sense the Spirit at work in your life? (Acts 8:14-17)
3—What does it mean to you that baptism is God’s identity marker, not yours? (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?
Prayer: Almighty God, you anointed Jesus at his baptism with the Holy Spirit and revealed him as your beloved Son. Keep all who are born of water and the Spirit faithful in your service, that we may rejoice to be called children of God. Amen.