Readings for the Day:
Isaiah 62:1-5: The people’s return to Judah after the exile was marred by economic and political troubles. Nevertheless, the prophet declares, Jerusalem and Judah will be restored. God will rejoice over Jerusalem as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride, and the people are called to the celebration.
I Corinthians 12:1-11: The congregation at Corinth experienced division as people were comparing their spiritual gifts, thinking some to be superior to others. Paul invites this fractured community to trust that God’s Holy Spirit has gifted them all perfectly for their mission together.
John 2:1-11: Turning water to wine at the wedding at Cana is described as the first of Jesus’ signs. Through many such epiphanies, Jesus reveals that he bears God’s creative power and joyful presence into the world.
‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2024 Augsburg Fortress’
Questions To Ponder:
1— How do you see God’s abundance at work in your life? (Psalm 36:5-10)
2—How can you use your gifts for the kingdom of God? (I Corinthians 12:1-11)
3—In what life-giving way might God be inviting you to grow? (John 2:1-11)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?
Prayer: Lord God, source of every blessing, yo showed forth your glory and led many to faith by the works of your Son, who brought gladness and salvation to his people. Transform us by the Spirit of his love, that we may find our life together in him. Amen.