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This week:   June 9-15

Sunday 9th

8:00 am Communion
9:00 am Sunday School
10:15 am Worship
1:00 pm Daycamp set-up

Mon. 10th

8:30 am Daycamp counselors  arrive
 9:15 am Doors open
 9:30 am Daycamp begins
 11:30 am Preschool pick-up
 2:30 pm Elementary pick-up
Tues. 11th

8:30 am Daycamp counselors  arrive
 9:15 am Doors open
 9:30 am Daycamp begins
 11:30 am Preschool pick-up
 3:00 pm Parking Lot Carnival
 (until 4:30 pm)

Wed. 12th

8:30 am Daycamp counselors  arrive
 9:15 am Doors open
 9:30 am Daycamp begins
 11:30 am Preschool pick-up
 2:30 pm Elementary pick-up
 6:30 pm Family Pool Night
 (until 8:30 pm)
Thurs. 13th

8:30 am Daycamp counselors  arrive
 9:15 am Doors open
 9:30 am Daycamp begins
 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast  Club at Hoene's Cabin
 11:30 am Preschool pick-up
 3:00 pm Bike Ride/Hay Ride
 (until 5:00 pm)

Fri. 14th

8:30 am Daycamp counselors  arrive
 9:15 am Doors open
 9:30 am Daycamp begins
 11:30 am Preschool pick-up
 2:30 pm Elementary pick-up


View and download the full weekly printed bulletin below.