St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers
St Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers is live
September 8 Livestream
Steve Wood
Steve Wood
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Readings for the Day:
Isaiah 35:4-7:  These verses are a word of hope to the exiles in Babylon.  Isaiah 34 portrays God’s vengeance on Edom, Israel’s age-old enemy, which makes the path from Babylon to Zion safe for the exiles’ return.  The desert itself will flow with water to give drink to the returning exiles.

James 2:1-17:  Faithful Christians do not show partiality to the rich and powerful of the world, especially at the expense of the poor and weak.  Likewise, faith does not pay mere lip service to God’s will.  Instead, a living Christian faith expresses itself in acts of compassion and mercy for those in need.
Mark 7:24-37:  In Mark’s gospel, encounters with women usually signify turning points in Jesus’ ministry.  Here, a conversation with a Syrophoenician woman marks the beginning of his mission to the Gentiles. 

 ‘From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress’

Questions To Ponder:
1— Where do you see ‘waters breaking forth in the wilderness’ in our world today? (Isaiah 34:6)
2—How have acts of service played a role in your faith life? (James 2:1-17)
3—How do you understand the encounter between Jesus and the woman? (Mark 7:24-37)
4—How do these texts speak to you today?

Prayer:  Gracious God, throughout the ages you transform sickness into health and death into life.  Open us to the power of your presence, and make us a people ready to proclaim your promises to the whole world.  Amen.